Japanese Society of Allergology


JSA Homepage Terms of Service

Last Update: March 3, 2010


All text and image content on the Japanese Society of Allergology Website (https://www.jsaweb.jp/), including information, photographs, and illustrations, as well as their selection and arrangement, is the property of the Japanese Society of Allergology (JSA) and the original copyright holder. With the exception of personal, noncommercial use or properly cited quotations, as provided for under Copyright Law, any reproduction, republishing, translation, sale, or broadcast of the content of this Website without prior consent of the JSA is prohibited. Any alteration or deletion of any portion of the content of this Website requires the prior consent of the JSA and the original copyright holder. In particular, the following prohibitions on use of content should be noted.

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  • You may not maintain such files for any purpose other than personal use. For example, to place such content on a university, hospital, or company network would be an infringement of public transmission rights under Copyright Law.
  • All of the above uses of the content of this Website require the prior consent of the copyright holder. Please contact the JSA office at info@jsaweb.jp).

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The JSA Website displays the copyright mark (Copyright ©) as a general practice. However, this should not be taken to mean that the JSA does not own the copyright to pages without the copyright mark, should such pages exist. Under Japanese Copyright Law, content is protected by copyright regardless of whether the copyright mark is displayed.


In using this Website, the following actions are prohibited.

  1. Actions that infringe or threaten to infringe on the JSA's property or privacy rights, or actions injurious to the honor or credibility of the JSA
  2. Actions that offend or threaten to offend public order and morals
  3. Criminal conduct, any actions leading to criminal conduct, or any actions that pose the threat of criminal conduct
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Linked sites

The content of third-party Websites to which the JSA Website provides links, and the content of sites which provide links to the JSA Website (referred to as "linked sites" hereinafter), is the responsibility of their respective sponsoring organizations and not that of the JSA. When using linked sites, please abide by each site's terms of use. The JSA is not responsible for the content of linked sites or for any damages resulting from the use of those sites. The JSA does not necessarily endorse the use or content of linked sites. Links do not express or imply any affiliation or other special relationship between the JSA and the linked organizations.
If you wish to link another site to this Website, please inquire at info@jsaweb.jp. The JSA may refuse to permit such a link if it is deemed potentially harmful to the activities or credibility of the society.


Please be advised that the JSA may alter the content of this Website without notice. It may also interrupt or discontinue operation of this Website without notice. The JSA assumes no responsibility for any damages resulting from alteration of Website content or suspension or discontinuation of the Website, for whatever reason.

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